Are you a new internet marketer or an experienced affiliate marketer seeking new avenues to generate income? If you answered yes, then this article will help you learn how to be a successful Amazon Associate.
Is a Niche Important To Sell Amazon Products?
If you are thinking about selling products on your website or blog, is focusing on a niche important? If you have a niche specific blog or website, then it would make sense that any Amazon products you sell should be related to your niche. If you have a general website or blog, then you can sell products from multiple niches.
Best Method To Sell Amazon Products?
You can sell Amazon products as an internet marketer via a website, Blog, Squidoo, HubPages or even Facebook. Squidoo, HubPages and Facebook are good internet marketing methods, but may have limitations as to how you can market affiliate products on these sites. The best method for selling products that has the fewest limitations is to use a website or self-hosted blog. WordPress offers a free version of their software, but has some limitations not experienced in the self-hosted version. When you host a blog via hosting companies, such as Blue Host or HostGator, they provide WP for free.
How To Market Amazon Products
Some Amazon Associates place links for Amazon products on their website or blog, use AStore Pages or write product reviews with embedded product links. The most successful Amazon Associates write their own comprehensive product reviews of 1,000 -2,000 characters, rather than use the pre-written reviews available to Amazon affiliates. The pre-written reviews lack detail and do not allow for the writer to add personal experience with the product, or make the review unique.
Low Amazon Commissions
Many people who make money on the internet stay away from because of the perceived low commission fees. Some other internet affiliate networks offer 15% up to 90% commissions per sale, verses 4% to 8.5% available to Amazon Associates. The problem with this logic is while many other affiliate networks offer very attractive commissions, you have to work hard to make a living selling these products, which are usually only available online. The Amazon affiliate program is one of the best affiliate programs has built such a strong name and brand selling unknown and well known products. Amazon affiliate marketers generally do not have to work as hard to convert clicks to sales as other affiliate marketing programs, and thus begin making an income within a few weeks or months of selling Amazon products. In addition, as you sell more you move up from 4% to 6%, up to 8.5%. Some products offer 15% commissions.
Best Tool To Learn How to Write Effective Product Reviews
I have read countless articles by affiliate markers that explain how to set up Amazon Associate accounts, and how to add Amazon product links to websites and blogs, but none explain how to write effective product reviews that convert, or if the authors have actually made any money as an Amazon affiliate. The best e-book for making money online that I found, which shows you how to be a successful Amazon Associate is the Amazonian Profit Plan. This Amazon affiliate marketing-book, written by two women in Australia (Paula and Wanda) who make $10,000 to $15,000 per month in affiliate commissions, is the best affiliate marketing training program. The Amazonian Profit Plan takes you by the hand and shows you step-by-step how to select products to sell, what competition you can expect from other affiliates, how to write comprehensive product reviews, proper keyword selection for SEO, and methods to drive traffic to the product reviews. You can even use the product review techniques for non-Amazon affiliate products.
I saw results immediately after purchasing and implementing the concepts from the Amazonian Profit Plan. Within one week of writing product reviews, they were either #1 or on the first page of Google for one or more keywords, and within one more week I began converting the reviews to affiliate sales. You may or may experience the results I have achieved.
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